
It has been the greatest and most difficult years of my life. I learned everything is temporary. Everything means every damn thing! Moments, feelings, people, emotions, flower. I learned love is about giving and letting it hurt. There were times when I losed all my hopes, I was lost, blaming no one but me. I realized vulnerability is always the right choice because it is easy to be cold in a world that makes it so very difficult to remain soft. I’ve been seeing the ending from the starting line and race no longer seems to be worth running since my heart was already intact with scrapes and jagged edges where the smooth parts used to be.

It has been the years of hurting so bad, loosing but living so good. Making strangers out of friends and friends out of strangers. Learning to bake choco chip cake, different flavored ice creams hoping it will fix everything. Learning that all the things come in twos. Pain and joy, life and death, salt and sugar, hot and cold, moon and star, sun and flower? All balancing the universe.

Time and distance are heart’s arch enemies. Everyone we meet, everyone we love, how we got here, what path we choose and who we choose to remember, all of those are parts of our story; nobody can write it but us. We don’t have forever.
But we have today. This moment.
Little things matter and we notice them only when the big things are taken away from us.
We are matter and we matter.

48 responses to “Learning…”

  1. Soo truee dude! Amazing!!!!!


  2. Anushka, this is again something out of the box. I mean each line that has been said here makes sense to me and I can absolutely relate to it.
    Everything is temporary and thus we should not attach ourselves, but is it really in our hands not to attach, or to be cold? No it’s absolutely not in our hands, we cannot even pretend to be cold and detached, Because that’s not how we are. We know love brings heartbreak, but we still wanna fall and see how it unfolds, expecting it to be different, but eventually it has the same sad end.
    But then it teaches us a lot, it gives us strength and power to endure the pain. It leaves us stronger than before.

    We won’t let it make us love any less, we will still love with all our hearts because we know how it feels to not be loved!


  3. That’s an amazing post! Loved your views and totally agree with it. Keep writing 🌸


  4. Everything’s temporary. That’s why we should learn to not get attached to someone or something.

    It is important to enjoy what we have or who we have rather than running in races for things or people who won’t matter in the long run.

    Today is all we have. Don’t dwell on the past. It is past us. Don’t worry about the future. We are not even sure if we’ll have one. Cherish everything and everybody we have.

    We are matter and we matter. Quite a great end.


  5. Anushkkaaaaaa….bang on!!
    What a terrific peice. It has become one of my favorites now.
    Specially the first paragraph..infact the all…✨
    I absolutely loved it.
    More power to you girl.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. If You really learnt to bake choco chip cake …better feed me one day…🙈 At least it’ll fix the hunger in my gaint tummy.

    Ok jokes apart…this is really a fine lesson…that each and every single thing comes in twos come in twos….

    I remember my sailing days… desperate to get on board and once it was set on sail… thoughts of getting away from everything… were killing me like anything…high five on that .

    Bang on that anushka-licious ending…

    We are matter and we matter…..I don’t think I have anything heard or read stronger than this.

    More power to your thoughts Anushka.

    Thank you for writing this.
    Keep that precious intact you little writer 💙.



  7. Ohh this post….
    The first paragraph almost brought all the bad time memories I could collect in my thoughts…still couldn’t match the intensity of sorrow these lines express…only you can do this…

    Making your readers feel every emotions you ever felt or can think of.

    Those time you expressed about…I know i could only barely imagine …but I am sure of one thing… conclusion these time show to our inexperienced head that we are just

    “Blinded by chaos, bound by fate”

    That’s when you know you can see the ending from the starting line itself… without any will to be part of it …Yet having no choice but to be in it.

    So well written the last lines of this part…”my heart was already intact with scrapes and jagged edges where the smooth parts used to be.”…….I don’t know how you can think of such things.



  8. Anushka…
    First of all many many congratulations for reaching 500 followers marks here…you have been working so hard that what we all have noticed…seen you grow with each and every post of yours.
    Just keep up the good work coming…and keep writing content like a treat to our head.
    More power to you and pillow thought, that is 500 times stronger now.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I hope that’s temporary. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I hope that too.
        Thank you Aman🙂

        Liked by 1 person

    2. Hey Amandeep!
      How have you been?

      No.. I’m not sad. Or may b I’m. I wish I was knowing the answer to this.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. How have I been ? Or how am I? I wish I was knowing the answer to this. Anyways, I can say “I’m fine”.

        Liked by 2 people

      2. Oh yeah😂
        Sometimes it’s better not to chase the answer. Let it be! No point of hoping then.

        Liked by 1 person

      3. You know if I could I can do a big conversation with you but it will fill the comments section 😂😂

        Liked by 1 person

      4. So, who’s gonna mind? You? Meh? Nahh… nobody!


      5. Haha! Yeah but it’s strange chatting here … on blog post

        Liked by 1 person

      6. You think so? Hahah… Play comment comment then.


      7. Nah… I like long conversations

        Liked by 1 person

      8. Some other day then.

        Liked by 1 person

  9. What I have learnt is that things don’t always turn out the way, you wanted or expected. Don’t expect at all.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes…the key to happiness is keeping your expectations minimal from life and even people.


  10. Wow!! So true. I am loving the first paragraph the most.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much 🙂


  11. A great piece of advice, It’s the part of nature. Nothing Lasts. All we have is Now, Today, This Moment. Gratitude will bring peace to your heart ✨ Have a beautiful day 💐🥳

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Definitely Simon 🙂
      I hope you’re doing good. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
      Have a wonderful day to you too.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thanks Anushka 🤗I am good ✨Stay safe 💐


  12. Exactly, the last line especially is so apt Anushka. At the end its all about what matters, and nothing matters more than us. Self love is the most important thing. Its better to love ourselves enough to not expect things from others.
    More power to you💜

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yeshuuuuuu😃
      How are you?

      So well said! Self love is so important and we realize it when the time comes.
      Thank you Yeshuuu✨

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I am good Anushka and smiling again because of the extra ‘u’ you put in my name😁😁 Hope you are doing good too.


  13. Well explained 👏🏽💕

    Liked by 1 person

  14. So true! We are all matter and everything around us matters to us!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Indeed ✨
      Thanks Nawazish.

      Liked by 1 person

  15. “Little things matter and we notice them only when the big things are taken away from us”… indeed!

    Every single thing we do matters. Whether it affects us or not, we did intentionally or not; someone or something still gets affected. So it’s up to us to do what matters, in order to make our now matter and matter meaningfully. Thanks for sharing 💚😊

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hey Joel.
      So well said! It’s definitely upto us that who we choose and we matter.
      Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

      Liked by 1 person

  16. Bang on ending for your writing.. !!!

    We are matter and we matter.. indeed !! 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hey Nima!
      How are you doing? Long time no see.

      Thank you so much😊

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Oh yes Anushaka… long time…
        I was around for the whole time, though got a bit busy during the travel back to DUbai and then settling down. Now online classes for my son resumed and hence less time for blogging.. !! Am good otherwise 🙂

        How are you doing?


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